1-25-25 Copper Fire Belleville, Il 8-11
2-1-25 Refinery Bar and Grill Wood River, Il 8-12
2-15-25 Cancelled/open
2-22-25 Bessermans Gillespie, Il 8-11
3-1-25 Midway Bar and Grill Ste. Genevieve, Mo 830-1230
3-14-25 Backstage Bar and Grill Edwardsville, IL 9-1
3-15-25 Brighton Gun Club Brighton, Il 6-10
3-29-25 Fast Eddies Bonair Alton, 7-11
4-5-25 Refinery Bar and Grill Wood River, Il 8-12
4-19-25 Backstage Bar and Patio Edwardsville, Il 9-1
4-26-25 Bessermans Gillespie, IL 8-11
5-3-25 Private Event 7-11
5-10-25 Brighton Gun Club Brighton, Il 6-10
5-17-25 Backstage Bar and Patio Edwardsville, Il 9-1
5-25-25 Grafton Pub Grafton Il 7-11
6-7-25 Prairie Inn Bar and Grill Prairietown IL 5-9
6-14-25 Betsie Ann picnic Brighton Il 7-11
6-21-25 Franchise Bar and Grill Wood River Il 8-12
6-28-25 Copper Fire Belleville, Il 2-5
7-5-25 Circle 6 Acres Defiance, Mo 630-1030
7-16-25 Bakers and Hale Godfrey Il 6-9
7-26-25 Copper Fire Belleville, Il 8-11
8-30-25 Copper Fire Belleville, Il 2-5
9-13-25 Charleville Winery time TBD
​9-20-25 Sweetwater Saloon New Douglas 8-12
9-27-25 Backstage Bar and Patio Edwardsville, Il 9-1
10-11-25 Grafton Pub Grafton, Il 7-11
10-18-25 Refinery Bar and Grill Wood River, Il 8-12
10-24-25 Copper Fire Belleville, Il 8-11
11-1-25 Pump House Wood River, Il 9-1
11-7-25 Grafton Pub Grafton, Il 7-11
11-8-25 Backstage Bar and Patio Edwardsville, Il 9-1
12-13-25 Refinery Bar and Grill Wood River Il 8-12
12-31-25 Copper Fire Belleville, IL 8-?
Jan 1-26 SweetWater Saloon New Douglas, Il 3-7